Making Work Feel Like Play...

...For Every Stage of Life: Sports, School, and Career.

Our Philosophy

We provide the clarity and spark to help others on their journey, 

to that place where everything done is well worth the hard work.

A Personal Approach

Individual and  group workshops, in-person and online, including interactive webinars and recorded presentations.  With each session we offer phone and in person support to to ensure you get the most from each session.

You'll find the new habits and mindsets you want, in the way and time that is best for you.

A Flexible Framework

All content is created for your needs,  refined over time as your needs change.  We all need help, all little push - but in different ways, to different degrees.  It's your journey, however long and winding it may be.

We help you gain the confidence, strength and enjoyment to make that jourmey.

Connection to a Larger Support Community

We focus on and coordinate with those who influence youth students/players and those seeking careers: parents, counselors, coaches and employers.

This allows us to serve more people, faster, better.

What We Do

Youth Sports Counseling & Support

Workshops for coaches and parents, promoting better methods for teaching players better life lessons through sports, and helping coaches and parents to be part of that process.

Early Career Counseling

Helping high school students, post-high school young adults, college students to identify vocations, not just a job, they can be happy and productive in.

Resource Networking

Providing support to other groups with a similar mission; and directing students, players, coaches, and teachers with needs to our network of partners.

Why We Do It

Sports Teach Life Lessons

...But not all are helpful. Competition with a single victor and failure for the rest is the opposite of what sports can do. We show how learning through failure, as an individual or a team, what makes us stronger for a lifetime.  We can also do this for music, art, etc.

Careers Can Fulfill

When we are open to the things we find true joy in doing (not just status, or the approval of others), through the encouragement to pursue them, we will never have to "work" a day in our lives.

We Deserve To Find Joy In All We Do

Putting people (and ourselves) on a path to real growth and happiness through sports/music/art, carrying that mindset into school and as they seek jobs that match their true needs and desires, makes everything feel like play.

Advisory Board Members


~Jennifer Fraser, PhD~

Neuroscience Research and Teaching
A passionate educator for 20+ years, her book (Teaching Bullies...) explores what happens when the bully is a teacher or coach.
dalary dalton solo

~d'Alary Dalton~

Sports-Based Youth Development
Extensive experience in coaching and teaching; research; management; and highly knowledgeable on youth development through sports.
pam fine

~Pamela Fine~

Student Counseling & Mental Health
Dean of Students at Oxford High School (MI), helping students through difficult times school — cyberbullying, dating, home life...
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~Jim Vaselopulos~

Leadership and Business
Brings out the best in any individual or organization through leadership which he has studied, practiced and helped others to better understand.

Our Services


Sports / Coaching




School / Mentoring


Over The Web


Workplace / Career


On The Air