Workplace / Career


Work For More Than a Paycheck

Some will say, "They call it 'work' for a reason..."  But never were there truer words said than, "Like what you do, and you'll never work a day in your life."  Sure, that's easier said than done - but it's worth the, uh....effort.

Baby Boomer, Gen-X, or Millennial - we all want the same things:  to contribute, to be treated well, rewarded fairly, and feel as though there's always something new and better to strive for.  But how much of that we've received, how hard or easy it was to get, and who helped us, are unique to the individual.

If you want to love (or keep loving) what you do, we'll be your Coach.  We'll take the time to find out who you are, what you want to do in your career, why you want to do it, and help you find your way to having a vocation - an incredibly rewarding activity that also comes with a paycheck.

If you want to help others in your organization love what they do, we can teach you to Coach, lead, mentor, and serve others.  Every company says "Our People are our greatest resource/assets..." - too few mean it, or remember it when it's time to check the Profit and Loss Report.

We offer coaching education and training from a variety of proven, modern-day methods, matched to your personality, goals, and the type of players you serve.  This includes Certified John C. Maxwell Team Coaches/Mentors.  We use our experience is working for firms of all sizes (25, 50, 200, 500, 5000, 25,000..), in a wide range or responsibilities (technical/production, management, business development, staff development) to place the emphasis on the parts of your organization that you feel will benefit the most from in-house coaching.

We offer individual and group training, and program development so that you can provide the training afterwards to your staff each year.  Our approach differs from others in that it's not over when the training sessions end and a certificate is recorded on each resume. We follow-up with you, as your personal consultant, to reinforce what was learned, make adjustments, and "make it stick".  Too often great conferences and training sessions live on only in the 3-ring binders that memorialize them as they gather dust on our book shelves.  We help you make coaching part of you, and your organization's culture for life.

If needed, we can incorporate other employee training programs and preferred methods into the training.  We are also happy to work with your Human Resources Department to identify opportunities to connect the training with Career Ladders, Performance Reviews, Job Descriptions, and other programs you may have in place.

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